Tuesday, December 3, 2013

panic attack

So the other night I had a complete panic attack. It was in regards to our basement playroom. I do not clean it at all. It is a nightmare of chaos and mess. The girls do not keep it clean, which keeps me out of it and it just gets worse and worse. Out of no where I thought - oh my lord they are going to have major problems in life b/c i didn't organize and have a pininterest basement/playroom/art center. I thought they must just hate me and the house and envy all other homes. I thought of them in college thinking back to how horrible their life was b/c of the messy basement.

I tried to calm myself down. I tried to reason with myself. This is not something to have a panic attack about. I can work on it and make it better but it is not ruining my kids. I tried to think that I am sure every Mom out there is thinking - if I only did x y z better then my kids will be better off. Etc. The mom who works want more time with kids, the mom who doesn't exercise feels her kids won't learn to take care of themselves, the mom who doesn't read with her kids at night feels their reading will be damaged, and on and on and on.

I need to take a deep breath. Figure out how to work on basement and make it better. Have the kids help so it stays organized. But this won't happen over night and it doesn't have to. I can do it as a project and work on it, not go crazy about it.

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